This amazing CD series for kids seven and older introduces a new form of storytelling with thrilling adventures set to music -- where you’re the star of the show! A child’s imagination is all that’s needed to bring Your Imagination Presents to
What Makes Your Imagination Presents Different?
► Your Imagination Presents offers unforgettable tales to distant times and places where you're at the center of the action!
The adventures are told from your point of view, so you experience things more powerfully than when you hear stories about other people.
► Your Imagination Presents uses a child’s imagination to provide the visual. Most
children’s audio stories describe in precise detail what the listener is supposed to be “seeing,” so children have few opportunities for creative input. Your Imagination Presents’ stories are visually stimulating -- not visually specific -- inspiring your own creativity to provide the images and bring the
adventures to life. And each time you listen, you can picture things in completely different ways.
► While most children’s music consists of songs that are sung in very specific ways, Your Imagination Presents uses powerful original dramatic music
composed and orchestrated to inspire a wide range of images, actions, and feelings. Adults will enjoy its rich textures as much as children.
► Each CD contains a special illustrated Creativity Booklet with fun and imaginative exercises that can help
children expand their creativity in the areas of thinking, drawing, and storytelling.
Your Imagination Presents is an entertaining alternative to watching TV or playing
video games, where a child’s creativity is seldom required. Besides stimulating a child’s imagination, it provides movement exercises, encourages group-oriented and
goal-oriented thinking, and its storytelling techniques can encourage critical thinking. Best of all, children
don’t have to worry about failure, because their imaginations and visualizations are every bit as “right” as anyone else’s. 
Click HERE for more information about how Your Imagination Presents works!
From the farthest reaches of outer space to the depths of the ocean, back to the age of dinosaurs and ahead to the distant future, with Your Imagination Presents, no time or place is beyond a child’s imagination!